Monday, October 22, 2012

How Did Chrisette Michele Lose the Weight? Exercise tips.

A couple days ago I posted the picture floating around with a skinnier Chrisette Michele.  It's natural for many to wonder how she lost the weight.

I have no idea how Chrisette Michele did it, but the formula is usually the same.  Unless you have underlying health issues (such as hypothyrodism, for example)  you lose weight by doing a combination of two things:  Watching your diet and exercising!

Yeah, we always hear that same old advice, but there's no way around it.  Diets don't work because you can't do it forever.  You must make a lifestyle change and educate yourself about nutrition and be conscious of the things you eat.

I am not comfortable speaking much on the nutritional aspect of weight loss because the information out there changes all the time and the foods that are great for one person my wreak havoc on another's body chemistry.  But I am a believer in exercise. 

Here are a few tips you may be able to use to motivate yourself to get some exercise in your life.

1. If you want to go to a gym, choose one that is conveniently located.  If you plan to go exercise after your job, make sure the gym is in the same direction as your house AND that it's in a location you reach before you get home.   If not, you may find yourself deciding to drive home instead of driving further out to the gym.

2. Start out small if need be.  If you can't imagine jogging more than to the mailbox, start there. Jog to the mailbox to your door. Each day extend your run a little further until you are running farther and longer than you imagined.

3.  Exercise inside!  It is a HUGE misconception that home exercise videos are not as effective as working out in a gym.   If the gym is uncomfortable for you, buy some exercise DVDs.  You'll be amazed at how much of a sweat you can break by doing this.  You don't need gym equipment to get a good workout!

4. Workout at the same time everyday.  Once you carve that time out just for yourself, it's easier to do it routinely as the days go by.  You may even miss exercising when it becomes such a habit.

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