Monday, October 22, 2012

Chris Brown Caught Insulting Gay Fan with Homophobic Slur. Again

Chris Brown is at it again.  Apparently he didn't learn his lesson after the resulting backlash for yelling gay slurs during a game of basketball a while back.

 Apparently a gay male fan named Lucas Peter spotted Chris Brown leaving a movie theater and asked Chris to sign his CD cover.

Lucas says: "“His bodyguard stopped me and said Chris wouldn’t be signing, so I told him Rihanna signs all the time. That’s when Chris stopped in the garage by the parking pay stand and yelled ‘f***ot’ at me.”

Lucas then called Chris a "wife beater" in kind.

“I walked over to where Chris was getting in the elevator and called him a wife beater and asked him if he was going to beat Rihanna again,” Lucas said.

“Chris said, ‘I beat p***y’ and then his bodyguard tried to scare me by saying, ‘And I beat men.’”

I don't think Chris will ever learn because no matter what, he knows that he will have the support of his fans.  I wonder when he will grow up.

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