Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today Americans Voted for the Legalization of Marijuana

Today America voted in the Presidential election.  But citizens in Colorado, Oregon and Washington State also voted for proposals that would lead to the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.  If residents approve this movement, marijuana would be taxed and sold in special stores to those over age 21.

Some fear that the availability of marijuana would result in the addition of stoned drivers (along with the drunks) on the roads. Others feel that the states could benefit from the taxes instead of spending to put people in jail for having marijuana in their possession.

Colorado, Oregon and Washington are 3 of 17 states that allow medicinal marijuana, but if enough of their citizens vote "yes," they will be the first three states to legalize recreational marijuana use.


Update:  Colorado is now the first state to legalize recreational marijuana.  Voters passed Amendment 64 which ends the prohibition of marijuana. It still may take up to a year before citizens can buy it.

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