Sunday, October 21, 2012

Six Ways to Stop Drinking Soda

Soda contains loads of sugar and can contribute to unnecessary weight gain. There is also the belief that they contain carcinogens that could contribute to the development of cancer. I came across THIS ARTICLE which gives some great ideas about curbing that soda addiction.  Here are a few of them.

  1. Switch out your sodas for 100% fruit juices.  Although they are filled with sugar, too, you won't be able to drink the same volume of it as you would soda and at least you will be feeding your body some nutrition. 
  2. Drink unsweetened tea to help relieve headaches from possible caffeine withdrawal. Do your research---different teas offer various healthy benefits.
  3. Dilute fruit juice half and half with carbonated water. The fizz may make it easier to swallow.  
  4. Drink water!  You can add sweeteners or buy bags of frozen fruit (in the freezer aisle of the grocery store) you can use to add to your water.  It gives a hint of flavor.

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