Friday, November 2, 2012

Original Rudeboys Decline to Open for Chris Brown Due to His Woman Beater Past

The Irish band, the Original Rudeboys, was given the chance to open for Chris Brown at his upcoming London concert in December.  Chris Brown invited the group to play in the O2 Arena as his special guests but it was an offer they had to refuse.

The trio could not accept this opportunity in good conscience.  Sean Walsh, ukelele player of the group issued the following:

“Even though it's a huge opportunity to play in the 02 with a major hip hop star and a substantial fee was offered, we are completely against Chris Brown's assault on Rihanna........In addition, with our latest single ‘Blue Eyes’ being about domestic violence it goes against everything we are about as a band and supporting Chris Brown would send out the wrong message to our fans."

Wow.  A group with a conscience and moral responsibility for their image.


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