Sunday, October 21, 2012

Octavia Spencer Stops Looking for Love

Octavia Spencer succumbs to the "black woman curse" saying that she is no longer looking for love and is going to live her life and if the right man comes along, so be it.  She says:

  "Let's just say I'm open for business. I used to obsess about it - and I have to keep kissing these frogs to find the prince. Well, you know what? I'm not looking for the prince. The prince is going to have to come looking for me."

Photo of Octavia Spencer

She also says that she will adopt children if she has to.  She just turned 40 this year.

 "I have to tell you, I started freaking out when, you know, our eggs are gonna die on the shelf! And I thought, 'Then it will mean the good Lord wants me to adopt if I get to the point where I can't have kids'. I'm no longer worried by the trappings of life.""


I think this is somewhat sad.  I think a lot of single women (not just black women) have to make themselves believe that they are okay with being unmarried and childless by saying things like "If it was meant to be, it will happen" or "I guess God didn't want this for me,".  Rather than admitting that it bothers them they have to pretend that it doesn't. 

1 comment:

  1. I kind of knows how she feels and I agree with you as well. I am the one that says "If it was meant to be, it will happen". I still say it, but, it's just too exhausting to keep trying and trying and getting nowhere. But, you already know the deal with me. I really am done and even if someone comes along it's a no thanks for me. As much as it may hurt that's just how it is for me now.


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