Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo: Anonymous Stranger Buys Someone New Tires and Leaves Note

Good Samaritan Pays for a Stranger's New Tires

The letter below says:

"You do not know me but I saw that you needed some tires for your truck and I wanted to do something nice for a stranger because one day a stranger did something nice for me. The receipt is in the envelope and all you have to do is go by Warehouse Tire on 3rd Street and ask for Steven Hodges and they will be put on for free. All I ask is that one day you do something nice for a complete stranger."

That's so awesome. 

One time I was in the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant and when I got up to the window, the cashier told me that the woman in the car ahead of me had paid for my order!  That really made my day. 

This is the type of thing I would love to do for people.  I just need the available funds to do it, first.  It really feels good when someone you don't even know helps you out and delivers a blessing in such a huge way.  And, I could use some new tires, myself, so I'm happy that some random person would see a need and fill it.


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