Friday, November 2, 2012

Baby Born Without A Brain Dies at Three Years Old

Nickolas Coke, who was born with only a brain stem, defied the odds by living for three years.  Ancephaly occurs in 1 in 10000 births and most these babies only live for a few days.

Nickolas' grandmother thinks he came down with a virus.  He had trouble breathing and eventually passed away after 3 attempts to revive him.  The family says that he didn't live on any special medical equipment, but only took medicines to keep him alive.

His grandmother says that Nickolas brought them lots of joy and she remembers him playing and laughing in the pumpkin patches recently.

"He was our hero because he showed the strength if I can do this anything can be done. He will always be remembered."


What I don't understand is.  How was a boy without a brain laughing and jumping around? 

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