Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stranded Hitchhiking Paraplegic Drags Self for 3 Days

A paraplegic New Mexico hitchhiker got more than he bargained for when he accepted a ride from from a nice couple in a white truck.  Ricky Gilmore, who lost the function of his legs in a car accident,  invited the couple to his house for steaks and afterward joined them for what he thought would be a joyride.

When he refused to share his alcohol, the man threw Gilmore out of the truck, leaving him stranded in the desert with no wheelchair or food. 

"It was dark and I was shivering and the wind was blowing so I just crawled to a bush and dug in right there. It was cold that night," he said.

In the morning he pulled himself along the lonely road.  He tried to flag down two cars that passed but they didn't stop. He kept going until finally a man in a blue truck picked him up, saving his life.

"I don't think I would have made it another night," he said.

Gilmore suffered acute kidney failure from dehydration, a sprained wrist and abrasions along his legs and buttocks from scraping along the ground.    His shredded jeans tell the tale.


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