Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Donald Trump to Reveal Obama Divorce Papers?

Is Donald Trump's "big announcement" supposed to be that Barack and Michelle Obama were on the verge of divorce years ago?

Author Douglas Kass spilled the beans on Twitter and when Trump's spokeswoman was asked about it, she confirmed that he would be announcing it on Twitter and Facebook today.

The rumor that Barack and Michelle almost split isn't even new information.  An Ed Klein claims in his recent book "The Amateur" that the Michelle prepared divorce papers after Barack lost the race for a House Seat in Chicago 12 years ago.  Apparently Michelle was upset that he put the security of his family in danger but Barack won her vote when he won as Illinois Senator in 2005.


Why is this even relevant?  Kids come get your dad! 

1 comment:

  1. Donald Trump is an idiot. He loves controversy. For a man who is running a big business(es) he sure has a lot of time on his hands. He just really needs to stop with all of this.


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